Friday, March 14, 2008

Clinton lapdog Joe Conason barks again--this time re Geraldine Ferraro's racist remarks.

Joe Conason has always been a reliable defender of Bill and Hillary Clinton in both THE NEW YORK OBSERVER and SALON.

Here's a link to his latest column on SALON's website:

The bullshit Conason is asking readers to buy is that Geraldine Ferraro is a lone gunperson/loose cannon who made the racist remarks about Obama strictly on her own--without any coaching or prompting from the Hillary campaign.

This is the way I see it: At the very least, tacit approval came from a combination of Hillary, Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson.  And Conason seems to have been asked to write the article as part of a "plausible deniabilty" defense plan.

Even in Keith Olbermann's tippy-toe-cautious "special comment" on COUNTDOWN Wednesday night, he brought up the valid point that there have been too many Hillary surrogates behaving in a contentious (I might say racially inflammatory in certain cases--Bill Clinton and Ed Rendell, anyone?) manner towards Obama--even though Keith seemed to hedge by saying that people "might see a pattern."

There IS a pattern--and Hillary, Bill, Governor Rendell, Penn and Wolfson--plus Geraldine Ferraro--owe Barack Obama an ultrasincere apology for their can't-win-with-honor conduct.

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