Saturday, September 17, 2011

Victor Infante and his "tame monster" roaming the literary countryside again.

"Sometimes, it's hard not to think that the urge for fame or success, for validation, makes tame monsters of us."--poet Victor Infante circa 2009

"All of us who take to poetry as a calling, especially those of us who work mostly outside the realm of the academic and corporate spheres, stand on the shoulders of poets such as Hugh Fox, who understood that poetry – that art, beauty and passion – isn’t a gift conveyed by an institution, that’s the prerogative of anyone one group or class. Hugh found poetry – and poets – everywhere. He saw that an outsider poet from Southern California was worth taking seriously, and he sought out Latin American poets and published them in both English and Spanish when hardly anyone in America was doing that sort of thing. And one day, for reasons that I’ll probably never know, he took a shine to an online literary journal, and thought it was worth sending a poem. A poem’s a small thing, but if it comes at just the right moment, it can mean the world."--poet Victor Infante's recent remembrance of deceased poet Hugh Fox (highlighting by me).

The entirety of Victor's article can be found here:

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