Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Regarding President Obama: it may be time for lowered expectations.

I don't remember exactly where I read it during the 1980s; a quote that's returned to my mind today may have been in ADVERTISING WEEKLY or BARRON'S or THE WALL STREET JOURNAL or perhaps THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS.

Here's the quote: "You cannot penalize successful people."

And, regarding President Barack Obama's approach to people in danger of losing their homes, he seems to not want to penalize lenders all that much. Here's two articles from

Here's how I view the first month of the Obama Administration: Obama is being "business-friendly" and bending over backwards in the name of bipartisanship for the Republican Party, which, in turn, is still unrepentantly clanging away in Karl Rove/Rush Limbaugh scorch-the-earth propaganda mode--willing to dole out propaganda to the unthinking, preparing the party faithful for the Presidential clash-of-titans of Jeb Bush and Sarah Palin in the 2012 primaries.

The little people are having to wait their turn until the big people get their big money--and it's safe to say that Obama isn't emulating FDR (who wasn't shy about angering and challenging plutocrats during the Great Depression) all that much.

But there has been a fair amount of no-more-doing-it-George-Bush's-way symbolism to calm the public.

Regarding the War on Terror, however, Obama may maintain certain Bush policies--but (my guess) turn the volume down in hopes that the majority of Americans, worried about the horrible economy, won't pay much attention. Joan Walsh (someone I don't always agree with) of articulates this fear:

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