Wednesday, September 23, 2020

New Poem 200,000


 Two Hundred Thousand

 How many of these people

 Would still be alive today

 If this wasn’t an election year

 If national plans preserving public health 

 Had been regarded as something 

 Worthwhile instead of violating

 Republican orthodoxy about

 Big Government, State’s Rights,

 And Free, Unfettered Markets


 You probably have relatives 

 Who still believe the Trump Lie

 That his woeful response was better

 Than doing nothing and maybe causing 

 An apocryphal figure of Two Million deaths

 Thanks to their belief in the infallibility 

 Of The Donald,  you’ll probably spend

 Virtual holidays on phone, Zoom or FaceTime 

 Unless you give in and say you don’t know

 Anyone who actually has Coronavirus 

 And you sit closely alongside family

 Passing the Russian roulette pistol around

 Between servings of turkey, stuffing and cranberries 

 Working on raising the casualty numbers to

 Two Hundred Seventy Five Thousand

 Or perhaps an even 300K

Monday, September 14, 2020


 keep your mind turned off

 relax and breathe maskless air

 it’s the burning season followed

 by the less cold than usual season

 don’t believe those educated pessimists

 don’t worry about within and without

 just help us keep punching others for you

 so you won’t have to think about 

 how much we take away

 and how often we laugh behind your back

 remember, loser and sucker,

 you’re voting for the color of our dreams





 be mindful of your aging friends/as they repeat all the things their parents and grandparents once said/know when to leave the room permanently when they won’t change/talking about lies and Trump and people who are smug because they know more than they do and global warming being a hoax and Black Antifa building public housing next door and again Trump and Joe Biden being the demon from THE OMEN shape-shifted into an old man and Trump again again as the straight-talking savior who kicks liberals to the ground makes them cry then tears out their balls in a way Ted Cruz would approve of

 as you leave the room permanently/remind the people who are no longer your friends/how Ted Cruz had to lose his balls to support Trump in 2016/and that they are racists urinating toxins into the American bloodstream/and these toxins kill as deadly as COVID

don’t smell their smoke anymore/leave the damn room and drive and keep driving