Monday, August 28, 2023

UCLA Medical and its mask-optional policy for staff (including oncolgy)

At the end of this post isa letter I sent to an oncologist whose department saved my life in the summer of 2021 at UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Hospital (I had a bone marrow transplant to treat multiple myeloma).

Sadly, 2023 is not the pandemic summer of 2021 and UCLA has recently changed to please restive, mask-averse, mask-optional staff when administering infusions of anti-cancer medication.  God help us if this becomes future hospital policy.

Sent this to [local oncologist] last night: After last Tuesday at the UCLA Porter Ranch medical center, I feel I must say that I am not comfortable with staff being maskless around me during the process of dispensing medication, administering IVs and the Darzalex infusion itself. If this change in policy keeps happening, then please transfer me to a different location. UCLA may give medical staff freedom of choice as to whether or not to mask. I’d like to not risk being home bound or hospitalized due to their actions.
After sending the above, received a voicemail at 8:14 a.m. from Porter Ranch (replied this afternoon) essentially telling me that [local oncologist] can mask and (presumably) the nurse or nurses attending to me will—but policy will be the same wherever I go within the UCLA system.
Given the recent rise in Covid-19 infections and the likelihood of further vaccine hesitancy, I find it very saddening that your colleagues and peers approve mask-optional policy in oncology treatment areas.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


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