afraid afraid yes
should I believe media
trust a Democrat
Entries about current events, arts and entertainment (including the competitive sport of poetry).
afraid afraid yes
should I believe media
trust a Democrat
I don’t need it No
I don’t want it Don’t Need It
How did I get sick
lots of counting going on
number of white blood cells
number of red blood cells
days until second bone marrow biopsy
weeks until stem cell harvest
week or so after that for stem cell replant
hospital stay followed by weeks in hotel
then a count of platelets determining recovery
hoping everything works out
so I can return home
and count the weeks until
a version of normal arrives
leave the robot dogs in the equipment yard
strip off the military gear if you’re not SWAT
melt the tanks into scrap metal for infrastructure
treat Black and Brown people just like White people
learn to count to twenty before drawing taser or pistol
and stop treating your poisonous apples as if they should get
a Medal of Valor for wearing a uniform they don’t deserve
it’s springtime
it’s the annual celebration of Resurrection
it’s the local supermarket telling customers:
sanitize your carts your own damn self
it’s all the beach towns eager for spring break $
get as many college kids on the piers as possible
before the media optics look too bad
and we have to limit access and hand out masks
on the West Coast,
we read about infection spread in the Midwest
but we—again—want normal before we’re ready
begging for a few more gallops before the storm clouds gather
yes, it’s true:
one time I was in a coffeehouse
where a distinguished regional poet
read a poem mocking young people
who turned their foreign cars into Art on wheels
he used the term “rice burner”
and the poem’s intro ended with the punchline
“It’s just a fucking Honda”
what did I do, you may wonder
I kept my mouth shut afterwards
because the distinguished poet
once included me in an anthology he edited
and I felt I still owed him something
and I’m ashamed of my cowardice, my complicity
wanting too too much to belong