Friday, December 21, 2007

Jamie-Lynn Spears: the aftermath.

Here's a link to a MSN gossip column which has some info re Jamie-Lynn Spears decision to put a positive spin to her and her boyfriend deciding not to use birth control:

Right now, if you live in Los Angeles, you can put your ear to the ground and hear three loud primal screams:

1. From Lynne Spears, who again wins the hypocrisy award for raising two daughters to be robotic slaves to the get-ahead-no-matter-what world of Show Business at the expense of learning how to live some semblance of normal life when not being Competitive (sort of like the dilemma that Olympic athletes in their teens have to deal with)--while making a deal with a conservative Christian publishing house for a book on parenting.  Sort of blows the parent-of-a-clean-teen image (which was also tried with Britney--remembering the claims of her virginity around the time of the first album) apart, doesn't it, Lynne?

2. From Sumner Redstone of Viacom, who's probably figuring out ways to make money off the fourth and final season of ZOEY 101 if social-and-religious-conservative parents apply pressure to Nickelodeon to pull the show from its 2008 schedule.  Maybe Viacom could offload ZOEY to Showtime as it did a few years ago with the James Brolin-as-Ronald Reagan TV film that pressure groups kept off CBS.

3. From Diablo Cody, who wrote the mostly-critically-acclaimed teen-pregnancy comedy/drama JUNO, and will probably suffer blowback from the vapid chatter of superficial entertainment reporters who won't fail to handcuff together the fictional Juno MacGuff (well-played by Ellen Page) and the real-life Jamie-Lynn Spears for a few news cycles.

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