Sunday, February 24, 2008

Brief random entries.

In no particular order:

1. The 80th Academy Awards were pretty much as Gil Cates and ABC/Disney wanted, with only the brief irritation of Alex Gibney (who won Best Documentary Feature for TAXI TO THE DARK SIDE) having the temerity to criticize torture--a word that Tom Hanks wouldn't say.

2. Last night, Tina Fey supported Hillary Clinton's candidacy on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE by saying: BITCHES GET THINGS DONE!  And bitches and bastards get things done in the entertainment industry and the corporate world, but I'd like to think that most Democratic voters in America see things in a different light.  It seems like Tina supports Hillary because Tina Fey essentially IS Hillary: someone with a fat bank account who has power from acquiescing to The Corporate Way rather than trying to challenge it to create true and beneficial change.

3. I saw the poster for the new Bill Maher "I'm making fun of religion" documentary RELIGULOUS (Bill's face on a piece of toast apparently lampooning miracles) and I'll predict that the Michael Moore-style documentary will no longer work for anyone but Michael Moore--meaning that Maher and Morgan Spurlock (WHERE IN THE WORLD IS OSAMA BIN LADEN?) may be spending an episode of HBO's REAL TIME late this year railing about how the stupid public didn't appreciate their cinematic genius.

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