Thursday, March 6, 2008

Marc Cooper on Hillary Winning Ugly in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island primaries.

There are at least two cliched lines about the Hillary campaign that make me feel like an airline passenger in a turbulent jumbojet:

1. "I don't understand all of this anger towards Hillary Clinton."

2. "If Obama wins the nomination, it will be because he was tested and will be able to stand up to the Republican Attack Machine."

Let's throw in a third line:

3. "It's politics.  What do you expect?"

Here's Marc Cooper of the LA WEEKLY with an article about how Hillary scared voters with her now-notorious 3 a.m. ad:

Update: Here's a couple of paragraphs from former rock critic/Bruce Springsteen manager Jon Landau's article on this topic in THE HUFFINGTON POST:

Many in the pundit community who know better (and I guess I am trying
to be a pundit here) will forgive or aprove of the ad because they
subscribe to a cynicism that postulates that anything that works is
smart. Dan Abrams is on MSNBC saying that exact thing right now. Next
we will hear: "Sure the Swift Boaters were creeps, but you really have
to hand it to that Karl Rove...he knows what works" -- win at all
costs and the ends justify the means.

My belief is that you can't be a progressive and resort to these kinds
of right wing propaganda techniques. Bill Clinton's administration
floundered much of the time because he was usually the electoral
pragmatist, and seldom tried to truly lead the public on any issue
that was too challenging. If this kind of television ad is what gets
Ms. Clinton elected, we can count on more of the same from her
administration in the military sphere, because she is exhibiting the
same mindset as the people already in power. Having run on a parody of
being a Republican president, if elected, she will find herself forced
to govern that way.

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