Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Barack Obama: Bill Clinton without the sex?

For those who have some ambivalence about Barack Obama's likely-to-be-centrist Presidency, here's a Glenn Greenwald SALON column, with links to other columnists with their points of view on the four years to come : http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/11/23/obama/index.html?source=newsletter

And here's a poem I wrote regarding this subject. The first half was written last summer, the second half more recently:
without the sex

once a famous former governor of New York
said something about campaigning in poetry
and governing in prose
obama campaigned in poetry in the primaries
and has now switched to prose
before the convention
it’s moving to the “center”
it’s turning hard right
it means that tough opinionated michelle
has to go on The View and fist bump
(and I can guess how much that hurt her pride)
and that the two daughters
have to be trotted out on Access Hollywood
because someone in a room in Chicagot
hinks that people are rubes who only speak tabloid
backpedal on Iraq
cave in on FISA
wear the flag pin all the time
make people think that he’ll make it all better
after he gets into the white house
by not scaring the supposed rubes
triangulate triangulate triangulate
like bill clinton in 92but without the sex
but the possibility of playing an instrument
on a talk show still remains
your move, axelrod

yes, I voted for obama
I was tired of my country
being told to drink a mild brand of hemlock
laced with dictatorial arrogance
and incompetent cronyism
and I was tired of Democrats
passively accepting Republican misrule
because the towers of Jello
known as nancy and harry
didn't want to be
considered unpatriotic
and I hope in some way
obama can lead us partway out of
the abyss we're in
but obama's triangulating again
rahm's going to be chief of staff
hillary may be secretary of state
hank paulson wants his financial friends
to keep being bailed out
with as little oversight as possible
and the mainstream media
and nonmainstreamers like marc cooper
keep saying obama can't run from the left
but must come to the mythical center
instead, obama ought to be lbj in 1964
getting civil rights act and medicare passed
and build a new center
instead of becoming bill clinton without the sex
and we don't need a repeat of the time
when clinton licked sam nunn's boots
and gave us "don't ask don't tell"
regarding gays in the military

and I know there will be people saying
you can't criticize
because you'll only tear down
and they'll act like the landslide victory
is far more fragile than it is
and they'll remind us of the characters in Dreamgirls
singing "have a little patience"

I know obama can't do everything in four years
and I want to have faith
but my faith won't be blind faith
because if it is,
then we'll wind up with sarah in 2012
and we'll fall all the way
down the abyss again

and it'll hurt like hell

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