Friday, April 19, 2019

Jamil Smith on the Democratic Party’s unwillingness to impeach.

[At this writing, Elizabeth Warren is the first 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate to support impeachment of Donald Trump.]

Excerpt from Jamil Smith’s ROLLING STONE Trump Impeachment article:
If Democrats were smarter, they would understand that initiating the impeachment of Trump might actually galvanize their base because it would demonstrate that leadership was willing to take the obvious, the logical and the constitutional step once presented with such an abundance of evidence. They would grasp that the visual of their party standing up to a president wedded equally to corruption and to his assortment of bigotries would be appealing to an electorate where black voters are increasingly driving the conversation. Democrats would seize upon the Mueller Report as a flashpoint for organization and recruitment, rather than take the task of prosecution that the Constitution assigned to Congress, hand it off to voters and call that “democracy.” It is up to us as citizens to choose our elected officials, not to do their jobs for them.

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