Saturday, January 9, 2021


 after the deaths and desecration the Democrats and the Republicans are set to agree in their own ways to move on and put the demon back in the bottle so people will get back to consuming, waiting for the vaccine and increasing stock prices after a few days to allow public venting and promises of a post- Presidency Senate trial plus saying pretty pretty please to the malign immovable object still hunkering down in the Oval Office making his pardon list and checking it twice while periodically looking at TV to see if anyone’s still weeping over his being silenced by social media meanwhile agitators whose names we all know refuse to resign on principle (President-elect says vote them out next election) just like the President whose poisonous water they still carry through the moral desert they choose to live in—and please remember 70 million people, some of them wanting nothing more than tax cuts, judges, persecution of immigrants and environmental deregulation, these 70 million who voted for Donald Trump and Michael Pence have to own their role in the deaths (including a Capitol Policeman) that resulted from The Donald trying to stay in office at his pleasure, almost marching democracy to the gallows erected outside 

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