Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Leak of tough love from ex-SoCal poet Part 2.

(Contextual note: When I wrote the person I'm excerpting from below, part of what I was hoping for was some advice as to how best to hybridize myself as a poetry/spoken word mixture--advice which I received in part.  But some of this verged into what I termed rifle-butt-to-the-head territory)

instead of working on your style, meter, words, and verbal skills. ..to me i find your "poor me" approach to be distracting and a cop out keeping you away from actually pursuing your dream. You are poisoning your own water supply.. drinking the water.. and then being upset when you get sick from the water you drank. ..gosh i hope that metaphor was understandable.

Terry.. i like you.. and i think that others like you too (or they used to anyways).. but they do not like your approach.. and well, perhaps its time to take a new approach.. that is really all i am saying.. the actions you have been practicing are obviously not working and are keeping you from reaching your optimum desired achievements... there is a way to change your reality and enhance it to better suit your WILL and the goals you have for your creative output.. but there is also the way you seem to be headed .. which is one of stagnation and repetitive disappointment. .. Your approach has made you into someone that others do not want to befriend, or support.. because you take things very personally.. you ARE a bit too sensitive.. and YOU cause situations that are uncomfortable and bordering on high school drama.... and it causes people to shy away. This perception OF you.. and your own perception of how you are perceived is in need of change.. ..without adjusting this and taking REAL attempts at working out these issues.. your desire and what you want, to be respected as someone who is part of the scene, will always be out of your grasp.

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