werewolf takes the wheel
of the bus called America
and drives it first
to the Canadian border
yelling over the PA:
here come the tariffs
coming in hot
then the werewolf runs hard
getting back in the bus
once he sees Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford
united in common cause
the werewolf locks the doors
and speeds to the Mexican border
and shouts over the PA:
get out you people who aren’t citizens,
aren’t white,
and are those I don’t want to spend time
deciding who’s a good American
who committed minor crimes
that white people aren’t deported for
now that the bus is almost empty,
the werewolf and his wealthy supporters
feast on gourmet frog legs,
take a leisurely journey to Washington D.C.
and hide in the bunker basement
as hellfire burns at least the lower forty-eight
people crying out but I thought he didn’t mean me