Thursday, September 4, 2008

Get ready as John and Sarah set out to Win Ugly.

I could only tolerate a few minutes of John McCain's convention acceptance speech before coming upstairs to write this entry.

Let's face it: all the GOP can do this year is to attack, attack, attack, etc. etc. since there's precious little of the last eight years that can be defended--both on the domestic and foreign fronts.

And it looks like Sarah Palin's probably a front-runner for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination after all the gush from the news media--the bar's been set so low that competent speechreading is treated as a Great Victory.  I almost fell off my chair when my wife said that Chris "Softball" Matthews compared Palin to Sally Field's heroic union-organizing character of Norma Rae (from the 1979 film of the same name).

We're going into the Age of Unreason and extreme-sports level fascism for the next eight weeks.  The upcoming campaign will be conducted in the underground sewer that the party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt now chooses to crawl in.  Of course, the 527s will be called in to do the really dirty work against Obama and Biden.

And a lot of people will vote for fear wearing the grotesquely fake mask of hope--with "change" a word that only means a different, don't-offend-the-oil companies-the-multinationals-and-the-K-Streeters GOPer in the Oval Office.

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