Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah and Bristol Palin: maybe the pregnancy rumors were Republican dirty tricks?

The DAILY KOS has a theory about Bristol Palin, the maybe-pregnant-for-five-months 17-year-old daughter of GOP Vice-Presidential nominee-to-be Sarah Palin (governor of Alaska): [Update: the story has been taken down by DAILY KOS, but here are some other points of discussion about Sarah Palin:]

If the theory (that Bristol gave birth to a child that's now being passed off as Sarah's youngest) turns out to be 100% accurate and factual, it will be another in a line of career-protecting subterfuges caused by inconvenient pregnancy.  One of the most famous examples is the story of Judy Lewis--illegitimate daughter of movie legends Clark Gable and Loretta Young (who in her later career became a moral maven like Sarah Palin).

Hopefully, the mainstream media can dig deeper into the possibility of the DAILY KOS story being true--and not settle for merely writing down GOP spin about how Bristol's pregnancy should be private and not a factor in Sarah's quest for the Number Two position in our nation's government.

[Update 9/10/08: In the wake of the now-debunked DAILY KOS rumor as to Trigg Palin's actual mother--plus the now-debunked "banned books list" that Sarah Palin allegedly forced on the Wasilla librarian--it's safe to conjecture that some variety of Republican dirty tricks may be played on liberal/progressive types who are eager to believe the worst based on the facts about Ms. Palin that are already known.]

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