Friday, May 8, 2020


yes, that’s what the article said
the president who can’t wear masks
doesn’t care about social distancing
wants to gather WW2 vets for a photo-op
yes, that president
he gets ‘lava level mad’
because his Navy valet
had the nerve to get sick
while doing the work
of being a butler
within range of the Commander in Chief
how can this happen
when the president thought
he turned up the volume on the economy
and snuffed out pesky CDC restrictions
like James Cagney killing a gangster
locked in a car trunk in WHITE HEAT
how can this happen
in the midst of allowing the plague
to become a wild horse escaping a corral
galloping to the nearest town‘s meat packing plant
as the president gets ready to wave his hands
saying look over here instead
watch me me me
distracting you you you
Michael Flynn no longer crucified
here’s something else about Hunter Biden
Sleepy Joe still in his basement
the usual nasty negative politics
trying to make them stick in unusual times
how can this happen
the president rages to his staff
as the enemy plague
secures a beachhead
in the last place he expected

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