Monday, December 31, 2018

Louis C.K. punches down at Parkland school shooting survivors.

Louis C.K. is still rebuilding his stand-up comedy career after women stood up and made the unarguably true statement that masturbating and making people watch is high-level abusive behavior.

Now that he’s returned to venues like the Comedy Cellar in NYC,  Louis is flying the tired old aging-comic “F—- Political Correctness” flag.

Here’s an excerpt from a recent routine hammering some of the Parkland shooting survivors for committing the crime of activism:
“They testify in front of Congress, these kids? What are they doing? You’re young! You should be crazy! You should be unhinged! Not in a suit. You’re not interesting," he said, referencing the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. "Because you went to a high school where kids got shot? Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting? You didn’t get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I’ve got to listen to you talking?"

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